Search Results - Department of basic education Breaking: Zuma Surprises With Another Cabinet ReshuffleSouth AfricaIn the second reshuffle this yea... Minister Us Second-quarter Economic Growth Revised Higher & Jobless Claims RiseThe US economy had faster growth than previo... Growth Mystery Surrounding The Tembisa 10 UnfoldingWhile the birth of 10 babies made local and ... Babies Gender Reveal Party Leads To Huge California WildfireA California wildfire, that started on Satur... Fire SA’s New Workplace Code Of Conduct IntroducedAfter spending two years working from home, ... Code Sa's Mysterious Listeriosis Death Toll DoublesThe origin of the outbreak in South Africa r... Outbreak Feline Takes Death Leap From Fifth Floor Of Burning Building And Casually Walks OffA cat made a death leap to safety after an a... Fire Video: Police Find 13 Shackled Siblings In A Perris, California HomeCalifornia police have arrested two parents ... Children COVID-19 Relief Payment To Be ExtendedThe COVID-19 TERS relief payments have been ... Ters The AA Rejects The Proposed Zero Blood Alcohol LimitThe Automobile Association (AA) of South Afr... Alcohol Teacher Addresses Her Concerns To Minister Of Education, Angie MotshekgaA teacher has approached Parent24, sharing&n... Know Sa Government Has 'no Plan' For Petrol Price IncreaseSouth Africa has had a few petrol increases ... Petrol Eastern Cape Health MEC’s Core Staffer Arrested For Transportation Of AlcoholEastern Cape Health MEC Sindiswa Gomba&rsquo... Cape Classmate Stabs Richmond High School Pupil To DeathNews has emerged of a stabbing to death of o... Pupil Hippo On The Loose In FourwaysA hippo has been spotted in the Johannesburg... Hippo The Rand Gets Stronger In Sa MarketsLast week Thursday and Friday the South Afri... Rand Drunk Driver Crashes Into Roadblock Killing Two Jmpd OfficersOn Monday evening a drunk driver was arreste... Officers No petrol price increase but diesel, paraffin and gas go upAlthough government is keeping the petrol pr... Price Video: The Questionable Future Of South AfricaSouth Africa has been through its fair share... South Mom Questioned By Teachers For Daughter's 'Basic White B**Ch' Culture Day OutfitIt was supposed to be a regular culture day ... Culture Hackers Block Italy’s Covid-19 Vaccination WebsiteAn Italian regional health department’s IT... Health Funeral Industry Plans Three-Day StrikeThe Department of Health has expressed its c... Funeral SAA Business Rescue Plan ApprovedThe South African Airways (SAA) business res... Rescue Parktown Boys High School Principal FiredMalcolm Williams, the principal of Parktown ... Williams < 1234 >